bamboo plate wooden soon, facial oil, deodorant and razor laid across white background with a cotton plant


I remember hearing someone describe their time living in a Frank Lloyd Wright Usonian home saying there came a day some years later that he had realized not a day had gone by that he did not see something beautiful. I believe we should all share this feeling in our homes and about the products we choose to buy and surround ourselves with. I want to bring you environmentally responsible home essentials that are also beautiful, quality made and ones you can consciously feel good about. Ones that you can love in your home and feel that you see something beautiful everyday too. 

I grew up being taught to always look for quality made items because they will last you longer. I realized that quality was important to me but there is more than just that. As much as aesthetics play a role in our decisions there are still a few more “things” we need to ask of our products and their makers. Are they well made, designed thoughtfully, thinking about our environment and how they fit in it? Are they manufactured responsibly? Are they durable, meant to last? Can I find a product that can be used over and over instead of just one single time? Can it be recycled and repurposed, reducing the waste we create or can it be composted? I think these are important questions to ask yourself when you decide to purchase something for yourself and your home. I wanted to create a place where all these questions were asked and answered. 

Each product is carefully thought through. Bringing you goods that reduce waste, eliminate single use items, are designed well, are aesthetically pleasing and made with quality to last you years if not a lifetime. 

We are always learning and trying to improve. Knowing that, I am always wanting to hear your suggestions, recommendations, or just thoughts you would like to share. Feel free to get in touch and send me an email at